Our Services
Seek out the Knowledge
Our Services
Success starts here
Our Services
Our Services
Our Services
Knowledge ahead of the herd

A lifetime spent in dairy enables us to deliver a complete package into your dairy business – from forage inputs to teat-end vacuum outputs with everything in-between.
We are data led using the latest analysis and testing techniques.

Ontrak have developed strong working relationships with academics, veterinary surgeons, foot trimmers, mineral, soil and water analysts.

Every aspect of nutrition is discussed – from seed mixtures, clamping techniques, straight purchases and formulations – we ensure that clients production systems are fully utilised.

Our depth of knowledge and experience of milk production systems delivers a complete package.

Technology allows us to monitor your herd in a number of ways. Walking the herd is a common approach - looking at respiration rates, dung consistency, rumen fill, cud rates and other behavioural patterns are a guide but these indicators can also be quite misleading – useful as part of the jigsaw yes – but the software we use will clearly show what is really happening in that rumen.

The health of the animal and its requirement for a consistent, well balanced input of nutrients in a well-managed, comfortable environment requires a subtle approach. Our clients are “educated” in their role to provide the animal with the ideal scenario in order to maximise the units potential whilst we establish that the rations fed are perfectly balanced to produce the results. A successful Dry Cow regime is the foundation of all successful production systems.

Clients will be visited as and when required in order to guide, plan and discuss the nutrition of the herd. We share and deliver our ever-increasing knowledge in a no-nonsense farmer-to-farmer approach.
A correctly balanced milking machine is key to efficient milk production – one of the fundamental parts of what makes a profitable dairy business – a dynamic test is our first area of investigation.

The depth of this knowledge allows us to fully explain the situation that new clients may have encountered or be encountering on their own unit. If circumstances have left you with low milk yields, poor fertility, poor milk quality or particularly high milk quality with low milk yields, then let us explain, demonstrate the reason and provide a solution.

Our clients consistently produce in excess of 2.70kgs milk solids per cow / day.

We will show you what perhaps the wider industry has failed to explain or understand. We do not have excuses, but solutions that will provide results and quickly.

We monitor, analyse, formulate and advise on all aspects of your business with access to the very latest software in order to cover every aspect of nutrition. No other company has the resources to demonstrate and explain to clients what is, or has, happened on their farm.

Ontrak welcome the opportunity to work alongside current advisors on your dairy unit, which may include vets, feed suppliers and other long term consultants – our aim is to advance the knowledge of the current on farm team in order to benefit the overall efficiency of your business.

We are able to accurately predict any possible limitations of the current rations fed and can therefore aid the producer to move forward in a positive and effective manner, with the emphasis being on cow health, feed efficiency and reproduction.

The Ontrak system successfully achieves rumen synchrony between carbohydrates and proteins whilst simultaneously demonstrating what effect the diet and the feeding system will have on the rumen.

Having full confidence in consistent milk outputs and feed inputs allows the milk producer to accurately budget and predict what the business is capable of achieving - any consolidation or indeed expansion plan developed from this solid foundation is set to succeed.

"Since using Ontrak we have seen a dramatic turnaround in milk output. This inspirational way of feeding cows has shown us what they are capable of and how to get the best from them. This way of feeding has given us a healthy herd impacting on all costs associated with the herd and our business."

Richard and Julie Webber, Higher Rolleston Farm, Barnstaple